A Cool Story

Are you familiar with the cartoonish story of the husband who arrives home and is met at the door by his wife with a list of things that have gone wrong that day, forget the "loving hello and I'm glad to see you because I've missed you." That has never happened to me, for which I am thankful until last Monday but not to the extent of the typical storyline. I walked in and smelt something with a slightly burnt odor to it. My wife is a great cook so it would be very unusual for her to burn something. It wasn't supper but the motor that drives the fan for our furnace. Just what you don't want to have happen in the middle of winter, a winter that has been very cold so far. After a quick look at the situation, what we needed was a new electrical motor. The heating part of the furnace still worked after I disconnected the fan motor, so we would still have some heat - thankfully heat rises and the furnace is in the basement. Also thankfully we had a warm wind blow in that day and it was up in the forties. But where to get a motor for a fifty year old furnace in our small town. We found one the first place we went, the "we" is my oldest son that was here for Christmas and was a great help. It only took us two trips to get all the right bolts and nuts to attach it (of course the old ones wouldn't work), which is good for an amateur. The happy ending - we had it up and running the next day.
Through this whole adventure (?) I kept thinking about the cartoonish beginning and smiling.
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