From Over the Hill

Blessed by a compassionate God with, a loving and supportive wife, four believing grown sons, three great daughters-in-law, and two precious grandsons so far.

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Location: Powell, Wyoming, United States

I am thankful God has let me live long enough to learn that relationships are the most important part of life. Now I am trying to live that way. I am not always sucessful but I am improving.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Wind vs Bird

This morning on the way to work I saw am excellent example of why we talk about the wind in Wyoming so much. As I was holding the steering wheel at a 45 degree angle to stay on the road, a large black bird was trying to fly across the highway with very little success.
He was in front of me down the road aways,so I must have watched him for several minutes. His problem was he flying directly into the wind. He was flapping his wings for-all-he-was-worth and gaining only a few feet in distance and then he would glide and lose most of what he had gained. He also tried tacking into the wind without any better success. I was thinking, "Give it up bird and try later." I love it in Wyoming :>)


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