Defragging Our Lives

I am defragging a computer for a friend. She is still running windows 98 and I was watching it get started just to make sure everything is going to work. The little squares were changing color as they were being rearranged and the thought hit me of how our lives need to be rearranged every so often. Sometimes it just seems that life can get out-of-wack so easily. Before we know it, we have lost sight of what is really important to us. Hopefully you have someone who will bring you back and show you where the defrag button is. There are so many different paths to explore and consequently mess with what is important in our lives.
I try to keep reminding myself of what Jesus called the two greatest commands. " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'" This puts everything into the proper perspective. It is what Scot Mcknight calls the Jesus Creed.
It is interesting that monotheism made everyone's life less complex. The call to drop our nets (Mark 1) and follow Jesus was also meant to make our lives less complex.
Yet, in the midst of all the unwritten expectations, extra services, and activities it seems that Christianity has made some folk's lives more complex and crowded. I wonder if that is how God intended it to be.
Dad, that analogy speaks volumes to me. Maybe because I've sat patiently many times while the little boxes change color, or maybe because my life gets spread out over so many little bits that gathering them back into useful chunks is needed.
Thanks for being the person to show me where my defrag button is.
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