
The other day at work two of us were sitting around talking, it was slow, there were no customers. My friend asked me if I was mad? It sort of shocked me. I said, "No, why, am I acting mad?" He said, "Well, you have your arms crossed against your chest." I wasn't mad, I was cold. A good example of why our perceptions are not always right. I'm glad he asked, so I could clear up his misperception. I am not sold on this concept of "body language". What we persceive is not always what someone is trying to communicate, if anything.
We need to be careful about the assumptions we make. Far as I know only God knows for sure what we are trying to communicate and that is because he knows what is on our heart and what we are thinking. God knew the kind of person David was and would develop into, when he sent Samuel to anoint him king. Jesus knew when the Pharisees were mentally disapproving of him. I certainly can't do that, can you?
Another interesting point in these perceptions, is they are often negative. Why is that, have we become such a negative culture that we think of the bad before the good?
I am working at trying to be positive about people and giving them the benefit-of-the-doubt, and with God's help I can improve.
I usually don't put too much weight on folks body language either. I do however, know some of the positive postures that employers sometimes look for in interviews and try to use them. Kindof the reverse of what you were talking about.
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