Hello Fiber optics

Well, fiber optics have finally come to Powell. It has been a long time coming. Getting all the financing was a major hurdle. It was all done with private financing essentially. I am glad that was done several years ago because it would have never made it out of the inbox today. Hooray for the private sector. 95% of the entire town now has fiber optics to their home or business, the rest are not connected by the residents choice. Getting enough workers was also a problem and the completion date was missed by about two months, but it is here and I am glad. We celebrated our first weekend with TV in over a year by watching a Duke game (I know that made Jason's heart warm). The Dukies demonished Maryland which has not been an easy team for them to beat even at home.
It has gone winter on us again with the highs at only 5-8 degrees Fahrenheit, and 5 inches of new snow that is not going where with these tempatures. They say we will have a warm spell later this week and it may get up to 32, but that is still cold.
Our Korean teacher is still with us for another 3 weeks. She is really enjoyable to have around. Check out Carol's blog .
We are enjoying the FTTH services too now that it is done and we are hooked up to it. It is a lot better than our previous providers for phone/internet/TV. Everyone that worked on the project did an excellent job even if it did go over as far as time is concerned...It was well worth the wait and put Powell up on the map for blazing the FTTH trail. We are joining a handful of other similar projects and should be very proud of that. Some other municipal FTTH projects have failed in the past, hopefully Powellink will not be one of them and that we can learn from their mistakes. There are many interesting things to come from the FTTH network I suspect.
My heart is even warmer now that they are ranked #1. Bring on wake!
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