Driving for Eleutian

Since the last week of March I have had a fascinating job. I have worked as a driver for a company called Eleutian which is based in WY amazingly. They have been teaching English to Koreans, mostly students but some adults too, over the Internet. Not quite a year ago they brought over 30 Korean teachers, who teach English in their schools, to teach them how to become better English teachers by immersing them in an all English environment. We hosted one of the teachers for six weeks in our house last Jan and Feb. The first group went home and now we have a second group of teachers.

I have been driving them back and forth between Cody and Powell along with two other drivers. It is interesting to talk to them, because they know English quite well but need help with their pronunciation which is what they are here to learn. They are taking classes at our college and living in the dorms this summer and next fall. In Jan they will again go to live in local homes and do practice teaching in the local schools. I also get to take them to do fun tourist activities.

I have been driving them back and forth between Cody and Powell along with two other drivers. It is interesting to talk to them, because they know English quite well but need help with their pronunciation which is what they are here to learn. They are taking classes at our college and living in the dorms this summer and next fall. In Jan they will again go to live in local homes and do practice teaching in the local schools. I also get to take them to do fun tourist activities.

This past week we went to SD and visited Mt Rushmore and several other attractions in the area. It is a fun job, I enjoy it and it pays well - what more could you ask for.
Wow, that sounds like a great job. I bet you enjoy it!
I think it is great that other countries have their folks come here to teach and practice their English.
I wonder if their English is better than ours.
Their English is more formal in that it doesn't have the slang or idioms we use, but then those tend to make our language more colorful. They often ask how would I phrase an idea. I try to expose them to idioms I use, but I also explain they are regional and not all Americans use them.
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