Homemade Biscuits -HMMMMMMM

I felt really ambitious this morning, so I made biscuits. I use a recipe called Sky High Biscuits. Thanks to Kristin who shared it with us just after we moved to Powell. Since there are just two of us now, I cut the recipe in half, but still have enough to take for lunch, which I did. A little zap and almost as good as hot out of the oven. The mind is an amazing part of us and so random. As I was making biscuits, a memory flashed through my mind of a story my mom used to tell. She was raised on a farm during the depression, that's the 1930's and a time of poverty for all you young people, and had to take biscuits for lunch at school. She was embarrassed because the town kids had sliced bread for their sandwiches. Back then sliced bread was a symbol of being sophisticated. Oh, how times change. Today I would generally rather have homemade than store bought. Had any homemade biscuits lately?
Not lately, but that sure sounds good. maybe I should get ambitious tonight.
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