Celebrate Recovery

We have started a celebrate Recovery Ministry, and last Friday was our second week. We thought it went well. Our group has been praying and looking for ways in which we can be apart of what God is doing to expand His Kingdom. Celebrate Recovery is a Christ based recovery ministry. Here is a short explanation we put in our brochure.
Celebrate Recovery is designed to address all types of hurts, habits and hang-ups. It is not just for alcoholics and drug addicts.
No one is untainted by sin. Some may sin in more socially destructive ways than others, but the Bible teaches that all have sinned. In terms of its power to separate us from God, all sin is one and the same.
The Purpose of Celebrate Recovery is to fellowship and celebrate God’s healing power in our lives through the 12 Steps and 8 Recovery principles.
By working and applying these Biblical principles, we begin to grow spiritually. We become free from our addictive, compulsive and dysfunctional behaviors. This freedom creates peace, serenity, joy and most importantly a stronger personal relationship with God and others. As we progress through the program we discover our personal, loving and Higher Power – JESUS.
Celebrate Recovery is designed to address all types of hurts, habits and hang-ups. It is not just for alcoholics and drug addicts.
No one is untainted by sin. Some may sin in more socially destructive ways than others, but the Bible teaches that all have sinned. In terms of its power to separate us from God, all sin is one and the same.
The Purpose of Celebrate Recovery is to fellowship and celebrate God’s healing power in our lives through the 12 Steps and 8 Recovery principles.
By working and applying these Biblical principles, we begin to grow spiritually. We become free from our addictive, compulsive and dysfunctional behaviors. This freedom creates peace, serenity, joy and most importantly a stronger personal relationship with God and others. As we progress through the program we discover our personal, loving and Higher Power – JESUS.
We meet every Friday night from 6:30 to 8:30 with a general assembly for everyone first. During it we have a worship time, several readings, and a training lesson. The second half consists two small group meetings, one for women and one for men. One of the concepts I like about this is that even though there are leaders they are still considered part of the participants, because we are all in this together, overcoming sin. I could go on and on, but I'll stop here and write more later, as we do more meetings and get more familiar with this ministry.
Wow, that is awesome Johnny. Celebrate Recovery has helped God bless a lot of churches. We will continue to keep you all in prayer. This is a great step of faith and we know that God will bless you all.
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