From Over the Hill

Blessed by a compassionate God with, a loving and supportive wife, four believing grown sons, three great daughters-in-law, and two precious grandsons so far.

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Location: Powell, Wyoming, United States

I am thankful God has let me live long enough to learn that relationships are the most important part of life. Now I am trying to live that way. I am not always sucessful but I am improving.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

A New Phase in Life

It is graduation time once again. We went to a couple of graduation parties this past weekend. We had a nice time. The graduates as usual were excited and ready for the next phase of their life, be it college or a full time job. They talk a lot about freedom and being on their own, and maybe even leaving town for some place new and exciting. I am all for that, they need to be able to dream.

There is one thing for sure, they are moving on and hopefully it is in a positive direction. How many times do we get to begin a new phase in our life? A couple of oblivious answers would be, moving to a new place, taking a new job, getting married or divorced, or having children. How about a new phase in your relationship with God? Reading through Hebrews there are those verses at the beginning of chapter 6 that always cause me to stop and think. Have I really moved on to maturity or am I still stuck in the elementary things? I guess my answer would have to be a yes in some areas and a no for others. The areas in which I haven't moved forwarded, as least what I would call moving forward, could be called safety zones. I have thought about the "what ifs" but I am still considering the options. If I take a step outside the safety zone, where will it lead? It is the unknown that is frightening and I guess I am still concern about being correct. Well, I guess this is a new phase, one in which I am questioning as opposed to just being satisfied with the status quo.


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