Synergy of Desserts

A couple of nights ago we had one of my favorite desserts. It was chocolate pudding with bananas mixed in. I like chocolate pudding, in actuality I probably like anything chocolate, and I like bananas, but the two together surpasses their individual delights. It's a synergy effect if you know what I mean. It is such a simple dessert nothing fancy at all. we just use instant pudding and split a banana between us.
It's like love and serving. They just go together. If you love someone, you end up serving them. God said He loved us, so the natural action to follow was to serve us. This He did when Jesus came to live among people and to serve them. You remember, one time when the disciples were arguing over who should be first and Jesus said, "He came not to be served but to serve." That must have embarrassed them, I know it would me. I say, "I love God," and if I truly do mean it where is my service? Too often in the past I believed that my service to God was satisfied by engaging in public worship, not doing anything bad, and helping those that asked for help. Now I believe my service should be more outgoing, not waiting to be asked but seeking to help others and not limiting who I help. I definitely don't have a handle on doing this yet, but I am trying to expand and follow the Spirit's leading.
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