Smell the Coffee

I think it is interesting how little things can be important, such as in the my current concern which is coffee. We needed to cut back on expenses a while back and one of the items to suffer the financial axe was fresh roasted coffee we ordered off the Internet. It was only about a week old this way, I know that is "really old" to purists who live in the big city, but remember I live in the hinterlands. As way of comparison there was some speciality coffee in our grocery store dated Nov 2007 and it was Feb 2008 when I looked at it. Who knows when the Folgers and Maxwell house was roasted. But I digress, at the time we could only afford the store brand stuff. Carol almost quit drinking coffee totally, she said it was so bad. Well, our finances have improved so we have added back a few of our wants but not all of them. I don't know if we ever will. Good coffee is one of the wants we have added back. We had our first cup of good coffee this morning. Carol took a sip and said, "This is good coffee." It was goooooood coffee.
Writing this caused me to asked, "Am I settling for second rate or even third rate in my relationship with God and others." It seems to always cost more for the "good stuff." Good relationships don't necessarily cost more montarily, but they do cost in time, giving of self and energy. I am trying not to look at relationships from a cost analysis viewpoint, but from - this is just what I want to do. I want the best relationship with God I can have.
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