Go ahead it's just a little bit

I was having a Coke Zero with supper tonight and just happened to glance at the side of the can that lists the nutritional facts (boy is that an oxymoron). At the top it said VERY LOW SODIUM, (in all caps to emphasize the point I guess) 35mg or less per 240ml (8 fl oz), then later it lists the serving size as 1 can which is 12 oz. Why list the amount of sodium in 8 oz. when you are going to drink 12 oz. Ever looked at the serving size on a carton of ice cream, it is 1/2 cup most of the time. Stop and think just how big is 1/2 cup or more appropriately how small is 1/2 cup. I think they are just trying to convince us their product is low in calories, fat and carbs by listing them in ridiculously small amounts. How many people are going to eat the suggested serving size?
That train of thought got me to thinking (I know I must lead a boring life) about when the evil one whispers just a little bit won't hurt you. He says just a quick glance at the cover of SI's swimsuit issue won't hurt. But who is going to look at just one picture when there are so many more good ones just waiting to be drooled over. Borrowing a just a little bit from work, just this once, it can't hurt. One lie is all I need to cover up my mistake. How many times have I fallen prey to this type of logic? The old cliche, "It is easier to stop, if you never get started" is so true.
If watching what you eat is important, and if you can't limit yourself to a suggested serving size, it would seem the wise course of action would be not take any at all. With sin there is no acceptable amount that won't hurt us, so do whatever you have to and don't get started.
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