I can't Believe He said that

A couple of weeks ago I gave a sermon with the tag line of "I can't believe he did/said that." I was trying to show how Jesus turned his world upset down with his actions and teachings. We talked about him not only healing lepers but actually touching them even before they were healed. He accepted invitations to the houses of unclean sinners and let prostitutes touch him. He talked to women even non-Jewish ones. No wonder he was both loved and hated. Loved by those he helped and showed respect. Hated by those he crossed and offended with his honesty.
I am continually amazed at the difference between the real Jesus and the flannel graph Jesus. I grew up in the age of flannel graph and my Jesus was always nice and clean except for the cleansing of the temple and his hair still kept that "Breck shine" (really old ad slogan). I am so glad that I have lived long enough to get to know a Jesus I can truly relate to, a Jesus I can follow.
I hope you get to know the Jesus that lived a real life with all the struggles and heartbreaks we face, because when he says I've been there, done that, brought the T-shirt it is true. He understands and can give love and compassion from the heart.
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