musical influence

I wonder why music has such an influence over us. I am not musically inclined at all, so I can't explain its influence, but I do know what I like and don't like. What I have noticed is different kinds of music put me in different moods and maybe it is the mood I don't like. It could also be that I don't understand certain kinds of music and therefore don't like them. Generally I like upbeat melodies with words and meanings I can understand.
What brought this to mind, is yesterday (Sunday) we sang this song that always puts me in a downer. The words are okay but the melody is a total loser from my point of view, but obviously not from the song leader's perspective. I want our songs to create a different mood than some of our song leaders. I try to bite my tongue most of the time in respect for others opinions which are just as valid as mine.
That is enough ranting and raving for awhile. For those who made it to this point, you are very patient, thank you.
What brought this to mind, is yesterday (Sunday) we sang this song that always puts me in a downer. The words are okay but the melody is a total loser from my point of view, but obviously not from the song leader's perspective. I want our songs to create a different mood than some of our song leaders. I try to bite my tongue most of the time in respect for others opinions which are just as valid as mine.
That is enough ranting and raving for awhile. For those who made it to this point, you are very patient, thank you.
Well, your musical tastes have shaped the way I craft worship experiences. I have a very specific memory as a 9-year-old-song leader being instructed that "the invitation song should not sound like a funeral march." I have never sung Old Rugged Cross for the invitation since!
I have to agree - despite the best of intentions, all hymns are not created equal. I'm not a big fan of the painfully slow, cryptic, and somber ones either.
Man I thought it was me. Years of feeling guilty--yes, yes, some songs kill me. One in particular. I remember Jason always led Hosanna from VBS to worship at Metro. Drove me crazy.
Then I went to Albania for 3 weeks. There they led a new song that they loved, Lavdi (Hosanna). I couldn't get away--God was pursuing me through the Jason song.
Now, I like it.
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