What's Normal

I reading something and the phrase "the normal person" came up. Just what is normal? It isn't the same today as it was a few years ago. According to the US Census a household made up of a married couple , male and female, now makeup less than 50% of all US households. When our oldest son went to college, a Christian college, I remember him calling home and telling us he was in the minority because his parents had never been divorced and he didn't have any step-brothers or step-sisters. So what is normal, isn't it the way things commonly are or even should be. Obliviously what is God's normal is not the same as Satan's normal. From God's perspective the norm would be how things were in Gen 2. God created humans to have a relationship with him and be apart of a community with other humans taking care of the world God created. I think that should be the norm, but it wasn't for thousands of years. But God's norm is back because of Jesus. We can now have union with God and be apart of a community for the good of each other and God's world. This is good news, God's normalcy is again available.
When I was doing research on Roman families I found out that in he time of Paul most kids grew up with step-siblings. Blended families were very common. Seems that we are getting the opportunity to do what the early church did many years ago!
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