Snow is a wonder to behold

We have been getting snow every few days for several weeks now. It is never more than a couple of inches, but it is enough to replace whatever melts. It is so clean looking right after it snows, everything is so white. We had some pretty high winds the other day and dirt from the fields (we are a farming community) blew in and gave us dirty brown snow. But just like clockwork two nights later another two inches of snow and we were white and glistening.
I think this is what we must look like to the Father as his children. Jesus has made us all white and clean with his blood. The snow covers up the brown grass, the dead leaves and bare ground and changes it so it sparkles in the sunlight. All our faults, our failed attempts to do what's right, and our just plain laziness are covered up as though they never existed and we get to shine in the Sonshine. Even when sin attempts to dull our whiteness, we are covered with a new layer grace and our shine is as resplendent as ever.
Thank you Lord, for the beauty of your snow and the coverage of your grace.
Good post John. Reminds me of the passage in Isaiah, "even if you sins are as scarlet (dark red) I will make them white as snow."
Think of how many Psalms would have had this if King David had lived in Wyoming!
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