The shootings at VT this morning were terrible. Why would someone do this? I am sure we will hear from many, many pseudo-experts and maybe even some real experts in the coming days. I am sure they will come-up with many reasons, but with the shooter dead we will most likely never know for sure.
I hope people, including myself, remember the sorrow and agony of the families and friends of those who lost loved ones, and not get caught up in the media circus that is bound to happen.
There is evil in the world, but that doesn't mean the world or the things and people in it are evil in and of themselves. We need to remember that God created this world and its people, and at the completion He said, "It is very good." There is an evil force, which we often call the devil, that is trying to destroy God's creation and the men and women who live here. God's plan for overcoming evil was carried out when Jesus defeated that evil force at the cross with the resurrection. Evil still lingers but it is on its way out. I like the course of action N.T. Wright suggests, " believers are to implement the achievement of the cross and anticipate God's promised future world, where there will be no evil." He has a great book called "Evil and the Justice of God."
May those affected by today's tragedy find the peace of the God of comfort.
Excellent book. Classic NT Wright.
I am glad you enjoyed this. I like his stuff.
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