Peace be with you

On Sunday we read about the resurrection from the gospel of John, and one phrase just reached out grabbed me. I don't know how many times I have read John chapter 20, but this time it was like I was reading it for the first time. The phrase that has stayed with me is "Peace be with you." According to John, Jesus says this three times on two different occasions. Considering the situation and circumstances, this phrase seems perfect. There they are, hiding behind locked doors, waiting for the banging on the door that will announce the arrival of soldiers to haul them away.
But Jesus appears saying "Peace be with you." What a relief. The disciples were overjoyed. Jesus repeats himself, "Peace be with you." They needed that. A week later, with Thomas there this time, Jesus appears again and begins with, "Peace be with you."
This is a phrase, "Peace be with you," that I need to hear often, and probably more than I realize. Peace is a comfort, and such a beautiful concept. To be at peace makes everything around you more enjoyable. The opposite of peace is fear, and anger, and hate. They can suck the beauty right out of any circumstance. Paul says he was content in any and every situation and I believe it was because of the peace that was in his heart from knowing Jesus.
I want to know Jesus better, so I can enjoy the peace that passes understanding. How about you?
But Jesus appears saying "Peace be with you." What a relief. The disciples were overjoyed. Jesus repeats himself, "Peace be with you." They needed that. A week later, with Thomas there this time, Jesus appears again and begins with, "Peace be with you."
This is a phrase, "Peace be with you," that I need to hear often, and probably more than I realize. Peace is a comfort, and such a beautiful concept. To be at peace makes everything around you more enjoyable. The opposite of peace is fear, and anger, and hate. They can suck the beauty right out of any circumstance. Paul says he was content in any and every situation and I believe it was because of the peace that was in his heart from knowing Jesus.
I want to know Jesus better, so I can enjoy the peace that passes understanding. How about you?
Thanks John, I liked that post. I also like that Jesus brought peace to some guys who were in hiding, afraid, and questioning their faith. Much like us sometimes.
It's nice to have that assurance of peace in our time of fear.
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