From Over the Hill

Blessed by a compassionate God with, a loving and supportive wife, four believing grown sons, three great daughters-in-law, and two precious grandsons so far.

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Location: Powell, Wyoming, United States

I am thankful God has let me live long enough to learn that relationships are the most important part of life. Now I am trying to live that way. I am not always sucessful but I am improving.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Jesus is Lord?

Words carry powerful meanings and it is a shame when they are over used and the true meaning of the word is glossed over. Maybe some of the problem is our lack of understanding of the meaning of the word in the first place. The incident that brought this thought to mind was a statement I read that said the use of the phrase "Jesus is Lord" can be a shallow statement of faith. The feeling expressed was that too many people use this phrase as a shortcut to salvation. The idea was if you can say "Jesus is Lord" and that is all you have to do, you aren't really committed to Jesus. I guess that can be true, but if you understand what those words mean, it can be enough. I think increasing our understanding of the word "Lord" would help. The problem is Lord doesn't translate well into 21st century American english. We are too independent and obsessed with our "rights." All the way from the arrogant, "Nobody can tell me what to do!" to the, "this is a democracy and I can choose what I want." With beliefs like these, I can understand how the phrase "Jesus is Lord" can be superficial. What can be done? Now that is the question! I wish I had the answer. Personally, trying to make Jesus Lord of my life has become more important to me lately. I am tempted to look for a five step plan :>). But thankfully my wife who can many times cut right to the heart of the matter, told me just trust him. Just trust him? This is scary, trust means giving up control, letting someone else be in charge. But isn't that what a "Lord" is, the one in charge. So for Jesus to be my Lord, I must trust him and give up control of my life. I'm working on it, definitely not there yet.


Blogger KMiV said...

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7:32 AM  
Blogger KMiV said...

Good point. We don't know sometimes how serious Jesus is Lord should be. I guess in the Roman Empire where people said Caesar is Lord, the phrase (Jesus is Lord) not only had meaning--it would have made one suspect to sedition.

In one way it is nice to be living in a free country. In another way we forget how serious our relationship to Jesus must be.

7:33 AM  

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