My view of the Bible

The latest book I am reading is called "the last word" by N.T. Wright it is about the authenticity of the Bible. As I was reading it the thought came to me (and I had to grab it fast before it could get away) that we all look at the Bible from a certain
perspective(s). It is not possible to look at it objectively, as we always have a slant to our viewpoint. It is not necessarily right or wrong, it just is.
I remember as a young kid, thinking everyone ought to be able to agree on
what the Bible says, if they only looked at it objectively without any biases,
and of course, that is the way I thought I looked at it. Thankfully as I grew older, I began to realize that my viewpoint had a definite slant to it. Another shocker was, anything viewed with a slant has some distortion and even parts that may be hidden from view.
Today my point of view is not the same as it was before, but it is still slanted. I hope realizing it is slanted helps me to be more honest and humble in my conclusions, and patient with others in theirs.
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