Forgotten Keys

A few days ago my wife was cleaning off a bar between the kitchen and dining room. It usually has a wide variety stuff stack on it, some vital to the everyday operation of our family and some just junk we haven't gotten around to throwing away yet. The point of this saga is that she found a set of keys. We have no idea whose they are. It seems strange that no one has called about the missing keys.
I am sure there is a spiritual application here, such as "what's missing in your life, or God is missing and you don't realize it, etc." What preacher could pass up a good story like this? My problem has been that I have to many applications and as soon I start to develop, one another slightly different idea pops-up.
So I will leave it up you. Make your own application.
They're probably mine. Even though I have never visited I always tend to lose mine somewhere.
:) ron
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