Look Out!! Motorcycles Coming Through

We have just had the Hells Angels World Tour in Cody, a town only 20 miles away. They say there were about 1500 of them here this past week. The state spent about $500,000 to send an army of police, highway patrol, and DCI to Cody. They wanted such a presence of police that nothing bad would happen. It must have worked because the comment by the police chief in today's paper was, "the past week was a success from the police viewpoint." There were no major confrontations and only 7 Hells angels were arrested. It was also interesting to notice the tenor of the newspaper reports of the past week. They emphasized the "human side" of the Hells Angels. In reality they are just a misunderstood motorcycle gang(opps I mean) club. It was just interesting to see the "spin" put this event. But then again it may not be spin at all.
We saw a guy from CMA (Christian Motorcycle Association) the other day while in Kansas. Wonder if he was returning from Hells Angels gathering as a man preaching to them.
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