Does your voice smile?

Actions that can just make some one's day are often just a few simple words of encouragement. Simple having a big impact, it must be a God thing. It seems to be a requirement for all checkers to say, "Have a nice day." Some say it with enthusiasm and others just mumble it as they hand you the receipt. Do you ever respond back? A little positive feedback can make a long shift bearable.
Ever tied to put a smile in your voice? It really makes a difference how people respond to you. Some people just seem to do it naturally, I love talking to those people. Then there are people like me who have to work at it. I don't intentionally try to sound angry, but unless I think about smiling I usually come across as not happy, or so I have been told. So join me and put a smile in your voice especially when others can't see your facial expressions.
Ever tied to put a smile in your voice? It really makes a difference how people respond to you. Some people just seem to do it naturally, I love talking to those people. Then there are people like me who have to work at it. I don't intentionally try to sound angry, but unless I think about smiling I usually come across as not happy, or so I have been told. So join me and put a smile in your voice especially when others can't see your facial expressions.