Difficult Questions

Last Friday was our third Celebrate Recovery meeting and we had new people attend. More good news, even through the leadership team is still learning, we are having people return each week, we feel good about that.
I was noticing a difference in the way CR's small groups are run and a "normal Bible class". They are both based on the Bible and use lots of scripture, but a major difference is in the types of questions asked. In the Bible class the questions are looking for answers from the Bible, usually a fact, or a general application to life. Rarely is a personal answer required. The CR questions all require a personal answer. "How does this affect you?" "What are you doing about this?" From my background these are hard questions to answer, I have been into factual answers, or this is the way the church should do it or not do it. The CR questions if answered truthfully are hard to answer because they demand openness and commitment. I am impressed.