From Over the Hill
Blessed by a compassionate God with, a loving and supportive wife, four believing grown sons, three great daughters-in-law, and two precious grandsons so far.
About Me
- Name: Johnny
- Location: Powell, Wyoming, United States
I am thankful God has let me live long enough to learn that relationships are the most important part of life. Now I am trying to live that way. I am not always sucessful but I am improving.
Friday, March 31, 2006
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
I trying something new to increase my awareness that God is with me all the time. I know this intellectually as do all Christians, but I want to make it real. Every hour I ask myself "Where is God?" The answer, right beside me of course. Then I ask, "Have I acted as he would want the past hour, and what can I do he would like the next hour." I am doing this because I find it too easy to separate my life into secular (so-call real life :>)) and spirtual, the special times I set apart for God. There really shouldn't be a separation, so I am trying to begin a habit of constantly being aware of God at least in the background of my mind all the time. I am going to do this for 60 days and see what happens. I do lots of things by habit why not add a good habit.
A visit to the doctor's office yesterday provided me with abundant opportunity to ask God to help me with patience.

This cartoon of a appointment book visualizes the respect a doctor I saw yesterday has for being on time for his appointments. Why do doctors think you have nothing better to do than spend forty-five minutes in the waiting room and then another twenty minutes in an examination room? This was a new doctor for me and will probably be the last time I see him. There was a sign-in sheet where you list your name, the time you arrive, and the time of your appointment. I noticed there were 5 people scheduled for 9AM and I was the last one to sign-in, consequently I actually got to see him 1 hour later. Why not space them out, I wouldn't have minded at all waiting to come 45 minutes later.
A visit to the doctor's office yesterday provided me with abundant opportunity to ask God to help me with patience.

This cartoon of a appointment book visualizes the respect a doctor I saw yesterday has for being on time for his appointments. Why do doctors think you have nothing better to do than spend forty-five minutes in the waiting room and then another twenty minutes in an examination room? This was a new doctor for me and will probably be the last time I see him. There was a sign-in sheet where you list your name, the time you arrive, and the time of your appointment. I noticed there were 5 people scheduled for 9AM and I was the last one to sign-in, consequently I actually got to see him 1 hour later. Why not space them out, I wouldn't have minded at all waiting to come 45 minutes later.
Friday, March 17, 2006
Mystic of the 12th Seed Continues

The mystic of the 12th seed continues. Yesterday two 12th seeded teams, Texas AM and Montana beat two number 5 seeds. There is another chance today for a no. 12 to win. If I was a coach I would be afraid of receiving a no. 5 seeding. It was a good first day with several close games and not as many blowouts as would be expected just looking at the rankings.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Homemade Biscuits -HMMMMMMM

I felt really ambitious this morning, so I made biscuits. I use a recipe called Sky High Biscuits. Thanks to Kristin who shared it with us just after we moved to Powell. Since there are just two of us now, I cut the recipe in half, but still have enough to take for lunch, which I did. A little zap and almost as good as hot out of the oven. The mind is an amazing part of us and so random. As I was making biscuits, a memory flashed through my mind of a story my mom used to tell. She was raised on a farm during the depression, that's the 1930's and a time of poverty for all you young people, and had to take biscuits for lunch at school. She was embarrassed because the town kids had sliced bread for their sandwiches. Back then sliced bread was a symbol of being sophisticated. Oh, how times change. Today I would generally rather have homemade than store bought. Had any homemade biscuits lately?
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Truth is Stranger than Fiction

Just log these following comments under "this is just beyond my comprehension." Bart Ehrman chairs the department of religious studies at the University of North Carolina. He has the credentials as he attended Moody Bible Institute, Wheaton College, Princeton Theological Seminary. The problem, as I see it, is he is an agnostic. He doesn't believe in the Bible or any of its claims and yet he is the chair. He is in the news because of his current book "Misquoting Jesus" is 16 on the NY Times booklist. Another point that doesn't compute. He is writing a book on Judas Iscariot. If he doesn't believe in the Bible where is the source material? This is a case for "Unknown Knowns" CJ.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Strings attached
Good news this week. We had our first small group meeting for twenty-somethings and 5 guys showed up, of which only one regularly attends on Sunday. Gerry, our preacher, and I are leading it. We need your prayers as well as any suggesting as we are just a couple of old guys trying to reach this younger generation. God is definitely going to have to be in charge, if anything comes of this. A couple of young women were going to come but their children prevented it, hopefully they can come next week.
Does the following quote sound a little wrong?
Ever get caught up in this kind of thinking? Since when does Jesus say that we will get reimbursed for helping others in trouble? Too often the church has strings attached to the help it provides. If we help people they ought to come to church, right? I think we help people because we are disciples of Jesus.
Does the following quote sound a little wrong?
"If Washington gives short shrift to a good Samaritan state like Texas, it will send chills down the spine of any governor asked to be a good neighbor in the future," Texas Governor Perry said.
Ever get caught up in this kind of thinking? Since when does Jesus say that we will get reimbursed for helping others in trouble? Too often the church has strings attached to the help it provides. If we help people they ought to come to church, right? I think we help people because we are disciples of Jesus.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Now That's Windy

We drove back from Denver yesterday in a wind storm that was blowing an average of 65 mph between Fort Collins CO and Casper WY. This is not unusual for that area. We saw two big trucks overturned and watched another ride on just three corners several times. It would have made an impressive photoshot, but we were just trying to avoid getting hit. The rear wheels on one side were up at least 18".
The rest of the trip was more enjoyable and less exciting. I went down to check out a new bedding line the store is adding and Carol went to see our kids in Denver.

I got to see the grandkids too. Griffin goes a mile-a-minute and talks that fast too. He sure is a lot of fun to be around. Adam and I went for hikes around the neighborhood. I carried him in a backpack type carrier. Kim said I was the first one to use it with Adam, and he did really well for the first time. Carol and I just love being grandparents.